> 春节2024 > 你家过年的风格是什么英文





Spring festival is a crucial celebration for families in China, including my own. It is a time for us to gather together, feast on delicious food, and exchange blessings and gifts. Each family may have its own unique style of celebrating the Chinese New Year.

In my family, the style of our Lunar New Year celebration can be described as lively and energetic. We begin by thoroughly cleaning our house to get rid of any bad luck from the previous year, a practice known as \"sweeping the dust\". Then, we decorate our home with red lanterns, paper cuttings, and couplets with auspicious wishes written on them.

One of the highlights of our family\'s New Year celebration is the traditional reunion dinner, also known as \"年夜饭\" (nián yè fàn). It is a time for all family members to come together and enjoy a sumptuous feast. We savor various delicacies, such as dumplings, fish, and sticky rice cake. The dinner table is filled with laughter, joy, and an abundance of delicious food.

Another feature of our New Year celebration is setting off firecrackers. This practice is believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck. The loud noises and colorful fireworks create an exhilarating atmosphere.

Additionally, we visit our relatives and friends during the New Year period to exchange greetings and wishes for a prosperous year ahead. It is customary to give \"红包\" (hóng bāo), which are red envelopes filled with money, to children and unmarried individuals to convey blessings and good fortune.

In summary, the style of our family\'s Lunar New Year celebration is one of vibrancy, warmth, and togetherness. It combines traditional customs, delicious food, and joyful gatherings, creating a festive atmosphere that signifies the start of a new year filled with good luck and happiness.


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1. Spring Festival - the annual celebration in China to mark the beginning of the lunar calendar\'s new year. For example, \"The Spring Festival is drawing near.\"


Spring Festival is the most significant festival in China. It is celebrated according to the lunar calendar and marks the beginning of a new year. In our family, we have a unique way of celebrating this joyous occasion.


Here are some words related to the Spring Festival:

  • 春节 (chūn jié) - Spring Festival
  • 农历 (nóng lì) - lunar calendar
  • 正月 (zhēng yuè) - lunar January; the first month of the lunar calendar


Here are some English translations of common Spring Festival customs:

  • 放鞭炮 (fàng biān pào) - squibbing firecrackers
  • 贴春联 (tiē chūn lián) - paste the New Year couplets
  • 吃年夜饭 (chī nián yè fàn) - have New Year\'s Eve Dinner


Here are some words and phrases related to celebrating the Chinese New Year:

  • 春节 (chūn jié) - Spring Festival
  • 年夜饭 (nián yè fàn) - New Year\'s Eve Dinner
  • 全家团圆 (quán jiā tuán yuán) - family reunion
  • 拜年 (bài nián) - pay a New Year\'s visit


My sister came to visit our grandmother\'s house today. She was wearing yellow shoes, black pants, and a blue dress, which made her look very pretty. We had a wonderful time celebrating the Chinese New Year together.


1. \"ox\" refers to the zodiac animal sign for a particular year. For example, in the Chinese zodiac, 2021 is the Year of the Ox.

2. The sentence \"The wind blows the leaves off the trees\" suggests that the wind is so strong that it causes the leaves to fall from the trees.


Spring Festival is one of China\'s traditional festivals. This year\'s Spring Festival falls on January 26th, when families gather to celebrate the arrival of the new year. Visiting relatives and friends\' homes to pay New Year\'s greetings is a common practice, and it is customary to greet them with the words \"新年快乐\" (xīn nián kuài lè), which means \"Happy New Year!\"