> 文章列表 > 春节我们都在干啥英文






According to traditional Chinese customs, people engage in various celebrations and activities during the Spring Festival. One of the most important traditions is gathering with family and enjoying a festive dinner.

用英语描述一下春节(小学水平)Spring Festival 里我们都做什么?


Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, is the most significant traditional holiday in China. During this special festival, we engage in various enjoyable activities. For instance, we put up couplets, hang lanterns, set off fireworks, admire lantern displays, dress in new clothes, indulge in delicious food, and receive red envelopes.



During the Spring Festival, people gather with their families to enjoy a reunion dinner, exchange red envelopes, participate in temple fairs, and watch dragon and lion dance performances.


New Year, being a greatly celebrated holiday in China, has lots of cultural activities people should take part in. During the Spring Festival, people often spend time with their families, participate in traditional rituals, and join in public celebrations.

I personally enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends, indulging in delicious traditional cuisine, and watching mesmerizing firework displays during the Spring Festival. It\'s a time of joy, warmth, and unity.



Spring Festival is a special holiday. On this day, I gather with my family, have a festive New Year\'s Eve dinner, and share the joy of the past year and the reunion. I also enjoy watching magnificent fireworks, opening red envelopes, and immersing myself in the festive atmosphere.



During the Spring Festival, I assist my parents in preparing for the celebrations. This includes buying food and New Year goods, cleaning the house, putting up couplets, and making dumplings.


We enjoy watching mesmerizing dragon and lion dance performances and participate in temple fairs.


I dress up in beautiful new clothes, visit relatives to exchange New Year greetings and blessings.


We set up a festive stall at home, displaying various traditional foods and decorations.


I join the lion dance troupe and help manipulate the huge lion costume along with others.


We burn incense and pay homage to our ancestors, visit friends and relatives, congratulate each other, and share the joy.


I personally make and distribute red envelopes to my younger siblings.


We appreciate traditional Beijing opera and acrobatic performances, experiencing the charm of Chinese culture.


On New Year\'s Eve, we set off fireworks at home to drive away evil spirits and welcome the new year.


We sing, dance, and spend a cheerful and inspiring night together.

春节用英语怎么说??? - 懂得

春节的英文为Spring Festival。

The English translation for春节 is Spring Festival.



  1. 聚餐享用丰盛的年夜饭。
  2. 给予和收到红包,象征着好运和财富。
  3. 拜访亲朋好友,表达新年祝福。
  4. 参加庙会和灯谜活动,增加娱乐和乐趣。
  5. 欣赏烟花、灯笼和舞龙舞狮表演,沉浸在节日的喜庆氛围中。

During the Spring Festival, people generally engage in the following activities:

  1. Gathering for a lavish New Year\'s Eve dinner.
  2. Giving and receiving red envelopes, symbolizing good luck and fortune.
  3. Visiting relatives and friends to express New Year greetings.
  4. Participating in temple fairs and solving riddles, adding entertainment and fun.
  5. Admiring fireworks, lanterns, and dragon and lion dances, immersing in the festive atmosphere.



The whole family is preparing for the New Year.


What are we doing?